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The Snarktastic Guide to College Success

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The Snarktastic Guide to College Success

就是我在研讀書籍~ 主因當然是因為類別喜歡啦~

而且難度來說~~ 還~~~算OK啦XD



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The Snarktastic Guide to College Success


The Disperata- from Medieval Italy to Renaissance France

Le Bone Florence of Rome- A Critical Edition and Facing Translation of a Middle English Romance Analogous to Chaucer’s Man of La



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For First Year Experience, Student Success, and Introduction to College courses, as well as Student Orientation/Bootcamp.

What if you didn’t have to force students to read their college success textbook?The Snarktastic Guide to College Success takes an alternative approach as “the unvarnished, usually-said-behind-your-back truth about what really matters, straight from college students, alums, faculty, staff, and administrators.” And that’s exactly what you’ll find. So go ahead, assign it – and marvel as students actually read it.

This alternative approach to college success strategies focuses on presenting information in a different tone. In terms of information, this is the sort of advice that students used to have to get from older and wiser fellow students, from TAs feeling exceptionally generous one day after class, or from (horrors!) figuring it out themselves. The trouble with learning these lessons on your own is that by the time you figure it out, you’ve either nearly or already graduated. This book allows incoming students to ‘figure it out’ in time to put it to use. And the alternative tone — the ‘snark’ in Snarktastic — is what makes all that wholesome, mentally nutritious information go down easy, like the chocolate coating on a granola bar. The Snarktastic Guide to College Success recognizes most students respond well to a humorous, informed style, like the The Onion ( of textbooks, if you will. Funny, irreverent, honest, and chock-full of useful stuff. It’s all here, from choosing a seat on the first day of class to how paying attention to who’s wearing backpacks can save a lot of grief. And that only scratches the snarky surface...!

This Package Contains:

· 0321947320/9780321947321: The Snarktastic Guide to College Success 1/e

· 0321943252/9780321943255: MyStudentSuccessLab 2013 Update -- Value Pack Access Card


  • 作者: Posey, Sandra Mizumoto (EDT)/ Von Bohlen, Teague (EDT)
  • 原文出版社:Pearson College Div
  • 出版日期:2014/03/07
  • 語言:英文

The Snarktastic Guide to College Success


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